Exchange & Right of Return

We guarantee a right of return within 30 working daysfor unused goods. There is no right of return for books, CD’s, DVD’s and cosmetics. The return period is met by the timely return of the goods (date of the postmark). After the expiry of the return period, a binding purchase is available. The right of return is not valid for discounted goods and on the occasion of special sales promotions.

The right of return exists only on condition that the purchased item is returned unused and returned in perfect new condition. The goods shall be deemed to be unused if they have no signs of use and are returned in undamaged original packaging complete with all accessories. Returns will only be accepted by us if they have been sufficiently franked. We will immediately refund the purchase price to the buyer upon receipt of the goods without shipping costs, taking into account the aforementioned conditions.

Are return and exchange free of charge?

Our mission is to promote sustainable consumption. That is why we have decided not to offer the return and exchange free of charge. We make every effort to present all necessary information on the product pages. For more detailed information regarding our products, please contact us by e-mail or by phone on 079 463 19 57 from Monday to Friday 10-14.

Here's how it works

Log in to My User Account.

On the overview page, click on item returns.

Then click on “Request new item return”, fill out the form and confirm below with “Submit”.
– Send the goods well packaged and with your sender to the following address:

Yoga Tree di Nathalie Torriani
Via Pianon 3
6934 Bioggio

After receiving the goods, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us.