The Yoga Block ‘Asana Brick’ is a practical yoga aid made of EVA hard foam. Thanks to its handy size, the yoga block is often used for support in special asanas (yoga postures).
Especially in standing positions where the hands do not reach the ground, the Yoga Block can be used in support by bringing the ground closer. By turning the yoga block, different heights can be used.
Especially for beginners, the yoga block is a safe and useful yoga aid. With the help of the Yoga Block, beginners can safely learn and perform exercises such as the Triangle (Trikonasana) or the Bridge Posture (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana).
The yoga block can also be used for the safe practice of advanced asanas such as peacock posture (Mayurasana) or swing (Lolasana) as well as as a seat pad in meditation.